Tag: tarot reading

Card of the Day July 2nd 2020

Card of the Day July 2nd 2020, Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Today’s stunning card comes from my most recent and loved deck, “Dreams of Gaia Tarot”, which you can find on my online shop!

The message for today comes from the Ten of Air. In the card we see a very ethereal, divine scene. This card is asking you to challenge the beliefs you have been holding on to for so long. Challenge the institutions that dictate our society.

Most importantly, challenge yourself. Evaluate your relationship with yourself and the Divine.  This is a time of transition and it is imperative we release all those negative thoughts and emotions that no longer serve us.

Then we can make room for our intuitive abilities to flourish. When we release anger or resentment from our hearts, we make room for love. Are you holding on to thoughts or feelings that cause discomfort, anxiety, pain?

With so much uncertainty in the world, it is the time to get control of our own personal worlds. Learn and accept yourself but continue working on evolving. The Ten of Air asks us to take the seat of the observer and challenge all that we know. Release what is no longer serving you and nourish the thoughts that are in alignment with your higher self.

Exercise that third eye and free yourself from the confining norms of society. We are all uniquely gifted and talented. Now is the time for all of those with intuitive abilities to nurture our gifts and align to our divine self.

You are worthy.



July 1st – Happy Canada Day and Card of the Day Returns!

July 1st 2020 Card of the Day Returns! Moon in Sagittarius 88.9%

HAPPY CANADA DAY! Please take a moment to sit in gratitude for this wonderful country of Canada we live in! It may not be perfect but it’s pretty close. I love my homeland and could not be more proud or grateful to be a Canadian!

Hello friends! Sorry I have been away! Life gets a little crazy sometimes in my world and time becomes even more of an illusion! But here I am back for Card of the Day and nope I am not perfect and nope I cannot do everything perfectly and yes sometimes I do not achieve the goals I have set out. However- Everyday is a new chance to evolve and everyday is a new reset, so no need to dwell on past mistakes but take the right actions moving forward!

The card I pulled today was actually during a self read I was doing and it was to beautiful and poignant I had to share it as I feel the collective can benefit from this amazing card. The 9th House in  Astrology is the house position for Sagittarius and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of openness and expansion. This amazing card is from the deck “Black Moon Astrology”

“Obstacles are being lifted….This card indicates you are about to depart on an important journey. It may be an outward voyage, it may be an inward excursion. Either way, you will be changed”


Many of you may be feeling change, evolution or even revolution is in the air. You  may be feeling it very strongly within, you are not wrong. The time for change is now and trust and keep faith that the Divine is guiding and protecting you. Question your beliefs or dogmas and dissect what is no longer serving to make way for new knowledge and wisdom. If you feel on the precipice of a spiritual level up –

The Time is Now.

<3 Always leveling up or at least trying too


Card of the Day June 16th 2020

Card of the Day 06-16-2020 ( LOVE those numbers) Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus 17.9%

Today’s divine message comes from a deck I am absolutely obsessed with and it’s author! This is “Blessed Be” by the amazing Lucy Cavendish. She is a Witch who has inspired my path of light and I can always count on anything she publishes to be full of wisdom! You can find this deck here

A Blessing on your Sleep. What a glorious message. I am often shocked at how many adults struggle with sleep.  I was putting my two little grandchildren to bed the other night and I laughed at their resistance. I said “Don’t worry when your adult you will love to go to bed, in fact you will count the hours until you can!” Ihave also convinced them I am a very magickal Witch and that all magickal people must sleep to refresh their powers, that helps too lol!

Sleep and Dreaming is a very important part of personal and spiritual development. Every aspect of Nature has a rest element to it. Sleep is incredibly healing for our physical selves as well as our emotional selves. Make a good sleep a priority in your life. Have a proper ritual before bed, preferably one that does not involve your phone, set up your bedroom to be a sacred space, use oils or herbs that encourage restful sleeps. I find one of the greatest techniques for a great nights sleep is guided meditations. You can sleep and dream with intention and a guided meditation is an excellent way to lull you into a great sleep where you stay asleep! And Dreaming is a whole other post on it’s own.

<3 Sleep Well


Card of the Day June 12th 2020

Card of the Day June 12th 2020 Waning Moon in Pisces 53.6%

Today’s card comes from a beautiful deck called, “The Flower of Life”. This deck does all the work for me. This deck gives us wisdom in the form of affirmations or meditations, however you choose to use them The message I asked for today was loud and clear! Crafting. I often marvel at my own hands and the magick that comes from them but it has taken me many years to learn to trust that! Our craft, whatever it may be, our path in life is carved by us. Use the meditation on this card, a gift from the Flower of Life and feel the power you have to craft your own life.

“Intend from this moment on, you will no longer feel bullied by life, instead you will create and craft your unique path”.





Card of the Day June 11th 2020

Card of the Day June 11th 2020 Waning Moon in Pisces 63.4%

Today’s card comes from one of my newest obsessions – “Queen of the Moon Oracle”, can find it here.

TRUST, I love that word. It is so powerful and foundational to every relationship in our life, especially the one with ourselves. The Egg Moon was a time for joy and celebration for our ancestors come Spring. It was the reminder that the coldest part of the year ended and the light and warmth were coming to fertilize the earth. It was part of the beautiful relationship of trusting Mother Earth to complete her cycles, this energy brings us the encouragement to trust ourselves. Trust in your power and your talents.  Trust is the most crucial component when working our psychic muscles and fostering our intuition. We must trust ourselves to make magick happen! Self trust is the basis for ALL other trust. As with any loving trait, we must apply to ourselves first before truly giving the same gift to others.

“Self trust is surety that we can rely upon ourselves… That we ourselves matter. That knowing ourselves leads to better, more informed decisions about all aspects of our life… Self trust is FULL ACCEPTANCE of self… This give us great momentum to anything we chose to do.”

Trust Yourself because you are all knowing and all seeing, if you believe you are.


<3 Trust Me


Card of the Day June 10th 2020

Card of the Day June 10th 2020, Waning Moon in Aquarius.

PATIENCE! Lol never has that been my strong suit but I am learning! Today’s card and apt message comes from a fabulous deck new to my collection “Divination of the Ancients”.

Patience, that word that we all struggle with, some worse than others! I have learned many times over that life is all about Divine Timing and there is natural order to the Universe. Waiting is difficult sometimes, especially when were are working on our manifestations! Patience is a necessary step in evolution. It teaches us to wait for the things that matter most to us because that is how life unfolds. This is especially true when working on our own self development!

Patience is a crucial trait for dealing with the stress of the human experience but nothing happens overnight. Like a garden, every seed we plant must be tended to it carefully and then left to nature to finish the rest.

“Yes, you have an important life purpose. Yes, you are naturally gifted. Yes, what you are asking for will be given. But all in good timing…. The Geomancy card asks you to have patience. Like the butterfly, you need to go through various stages before reaching your true potential”.

We do not see everything that happens above us or below us, trust Spirit is working for you!

<3 Waiting here patiently..


Card of the Day June 9th 2020

Card of the Day June 9th 2020, Waning Moon in Aquarius 82%

Today’s alluring card comes from the mystical deck, ” Enchanted Oracle” which you can find here.

Temptation lures us in through a beautiful Faerie with long raven hair. She offers us an apple and a promise of something mysterious. However if you look closely you will see she is also wearing a  mask. A sign that there is something hidden beneath it. Temptation comes to us in many forms; food, alcohol, drugs, sex, media, and many more. What may seem innocent or alright for the time could indeed have some disastrous consequences. Temptation is a part of navigating our human experience and conquering is an important part of evolution.

“Very simply put: resist temptation. Whatever you are facing or considering, whatever someone is offering or encouraging, don’t do it… Part of you probably knows that, even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself. Or it may seem benign or even good to you but there is something about it that you don’t know. If you knew, if the secrets were revealed, you would agree it is not the right choice for you”.

I do not know who or why, Spirit felt this message needed to be shared but I suspect it does resonate with a lot of us. In uncertain times, we can be challenged constantly and I believe this time in the World is a trial for many. Listen to your cauldron, and heart and mind. You have always have the right answer in you just ensure you are seeing the situation clearly.

I personally recommend resisting the temptation of SOCIAL/MEDIA for a while.

Stay strong lovelies

<3 Samantha

Card of the Day June 7th 2020


Card of the Day June 7th 2020 Waning Moon in Capricorn

Today’s card comes from one of my regularly used decks, “The Everyday Witches Tarot, which you can find here https://witchhealer.com/oracle-cards/. As always with Spirit, when you ask, you receive an answer.  With the chaos and struggles of the world currently, I sometimes struggle with even knowing what to ask. So for today’s card, I asked simply “What do the Lightworkers and Lightbeings need a reminder of right now?”

The Hanged Man answered.We see in this card, a Witch hanging upside down from their broom. Hands and legs chained up. However if you look closely you see the Witch holds the Key in their hand. The Hanged Man begs the question – Are you feeling stuck? Helpless ? Unsure of where or how to move? That is ok because sometimes it is in the most awkward and uncomfortable places, we find the answers we are searching for. It is important to check within yourself and see if you are feeling stuck due to lack of motivation or in quiet contemplation? If your feelings of being stuck or held back are frustrating you then it is time to approach your situation from a new angle.

Look from a different perspective for a better view. “Where in your life are you stuck? Try looking at the situation from a new angle or with a better attitude. You can do something to get yourself unstuck or  simply accept that are stuck right now and see if there are any benefits to hanging around for a while”

Always remember though – Only you hold the key to the chains that bind you.






Card of the Day May 16th 2020

Card of the Day May 15th 2020 Waning Crescent Moon in Pisces 27.3%

Today’s card comes from an old deck of mine called Magical Messages from the Fairies. Fairies/Fae have been coming up a lot for me and this bright sunny day was the perfect energy for this deck!

Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself is an amazing message. How often are we honest and transparent with our feelings? Our feelings and emotions are natural responses to our environment and will they can be stifled they rarely go away, so it is much better to deal with them.

“Right now, admit your deepest feelings to yourself. Know that it’s sage for you to engage in this self -honesty. Your genuine feelings from the compass that points you in the best direction and guides you to the answers you seek. Trust any changes you make will come about in harmonious ways. You’ll be glad that you admitted your true feelings to yourself”.

Authenticity is an important part of living a Mindful life. It takes a lot of energy to hide our emotions, especially when they are running high. It is important for healing to feel your emotions and then release the ones that no longer serve you. It may be uncomfortable in the moment but you will find much lighter and aligned!



Card of the Day May 15th 2020

Card of the Day May 15th 2020 Waning Crescent Moon in Pisces 38%

This gorgeous card comes from the Animal Spirits Knowledge Deck, found here – The Dog <3 Human’s best friend. The Dog represents loyalty, unconditional love, devotion, service, protection. The perfect recipe for a best friend. Those of us who are blessed with Dogs know- there is no love like a dog’s love. It is pure and unconditional, they are like our furry Earth Angels.

I often tell my clients when practicing self love- try to see yourself through the eyes of your dog. They only see our hearts, not how we look or for what we have. They do not know ego only love- they live in the present and never worry about the past or get anxious about the future. Dogs are our greatest friends and teachers.

I am blessed with a beautiful soul in the form of a brindle Boxer named Lady.  She is always by my side, attentive and ready for service, she expects nothing from me beyond a pet or a hug. She is getting older and is now a grey faced Old Lady, she lives very luxuriously and is surrounded by love at all times, that is all she needs to feel fulfilled- Love. She is perfectly divine and I am grateful for every day with her and for the lessons she has taught me in unconditional love and devotion. Learn from the beautiful animals we are blessed to share this Earth with, they bring us healing and wisdom and are surely gifts direct from  Heaven.

<3 I love Lady, my sweet Dog beyond words (but I’m still a Cat person )
