December 14th 2020, NEW MOON in Sagittarius and a Solar Eclipse,
As a practitioner of Witch Craft and a pretty typical Cancerian, Astrology has been a natural interest of mine for many years. Zodiac signs, natal charts, planetary alignment have always fascinated me. However I found it a bit daunting to learn. Recently, I attended an event that shifted my thinking and compelled me to learn more and to incorporate Astrology in my own work.
It was facilitated by two amazing Goddesses that I have the honour to know – check them out because they are divine – Sandy Mulroy of Solar Powered Health and Terra Longacre of Heart2Heart Journey! Their event was a combo reading of our Natal Charts, in detail and channeled messages, called “Written in the Stars”. It was profound. I discovered, I am a Sagittarius Rising, Sun sign Cancer and Moon in Aries. I will make another post about what that means and answers questions about your Natal charts and you can join me in my Cosmic Consciousness.
This has lead me on a new path of understanding more layers to a phrase I live by; As Above, So Below. Which is exactly what I am excited to share this New Moon Ritual with you! Working with the Lunar cycles, is an excellent way of navigating through life and making the moon’s energy work in your favour. Every phase of the Moon is powerful in it’s own right but New and Full Moons are a great way to start harnessing the energy that comes along with them. New Moons and the Law of Attraction make excellent partners!
This particular New Moon is very cool because not only is it a New Moon in Sagittarius, but also a Solar Eclipse. You may find that this week and last, there has been a lot of energy to contend with and your emotions may have seemed to be yo-yoing a bit and you are feeling ungrounded, angry, anxious, don’t worry – you are not Alone. The combination of the New Moon (new beginnings, planting seeds, manifesting wishes ) and a Solar Eclipse is like a New Moon on Steroids! The energy is intense. Work with it not against it.
Eclipses, both solar and Lunar, were the earliest tools in Forecasting Astrology. The ancients understood how impactful they were on the transformation of the planet Earth. They always signify and ending which of course brings about a beginning. For a Solar Eclipse to occur on a New Moon it means the Sun and Moon are in opposition but perfectly aligned. Signifying that events are about to change significantly. Perfect Celestial Balance. While it may not feel that perfect on Earth, change is needed. I think we are all ready for some major change. While there is much cosmic energy though swirling about, a Solar Eclipse is also a time for inward reflection and a portal for change. Recognizing our need to see with our eyes closed. Meditation is a very important tool for everyone over the next couple of weeks ( well always but especially now).
This energy and the New Moon in Sagittarius is the perfect time for a meditation and ritual. Here is a ritual that may help you!
New Moon in Sag, is all about Wandering, Higher Learning, Fun and Laughter, Gratitude.
For this “It’s going to be Ok” Ritual you will need;
A quiet and comfortable space
A pen and paper
Meditative, Healing music
Your favourite picture YOU, Laughing, Smiling in a general state of joy (digital is fine too) for example;
Sagittarius is the sign that knows, things will always get better. Which is exactly the energy we all need right now.
To begin Light your Candle and clear your space as you normally would.
You will begin with a Breathing Meditation. With each breath – breathe out old and stagnant energy- Breathe deeply. Visualize your breath going all the way to the ground and back up your body and then with your exhale out your mouth – Breathe out any thought or feeling that is no longer serving you. Breathe out every anxious thought. On your inhale, Breathe in – Peace and Calm, White Light, Yellow Light, Pink Light, Breathe in- Peace, Calm, Joy, Gratitude, Fun, Hope and anything else you feel will feed your soul.
Repeat this breathwork with an inhale to the count of 6- hold for 4 and Exhale for 8. Repeat for at least 10 minutes to really clear your energy field and open your chakras. You can alternatively search for your own Guided Meditation online.
Once you are ready take out your picture- Focus on your picture and FEEL the Joy you see. Remember the state of Joy you were in then and FEEL it now. Remind yourself that everything passes good or bad, so cherish the good and move on from the bad. Cherish the BLESSING LEARN FROM THE LESSON. Continue to scry into your photo until you enter a meditative state again. Please keep your pen and paper handy to write down any downloads or images you receive in your meditative state.
When you are ready, write down your desires or wishes on your paper. It is important when manifesting to really feel the vibration that wish would bring you. Write down as many wishes as you like, and when you are done – take your paper and burn it (safely), as the paper burns, imagine your wishes coming true.
Finish your ritual with a list of Gratitude, which you can burn or keep.
As with any ritual, please personalize it as you wish! If you enjoy working with the Moon, I highly recommend getting the book “Moonology” by Yasmine Boland! You can find it on my online store, as well as the corresponding Oracle cards.
Merry Part and Many Blessings for this Holiday Season