Tag: oracle

Card of the Day July 9th 2020

Card of the Day July 9th 2020, Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces.

Today’s card comes from the deck “Animal Tarot” by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

The Seven of Spring brings us not only an adorable gecko, a spirit animal that represents incredible healing and regeneration, but a message to stand our ground and claim our place! Trust that your inner guidance is true, what an incredible and important reminder. Do not hide your talents and gifts from the world. You matter. What you create, think and feel matter- that’s what this sweet Gecko wants you to know!

Every human on this planet is part of a very important puzzle and like a puzzle pieces, each of us has very unique contributions to offer the world. I have to say this again,


You are a divine being sent here from the Spirit world to leave your mark on this planet. Let the intuition you were given to help you navigate the complicated human experience, be your guide in the world. Everything you need is already in your subconscious or conscious. Unlock and let free the beautiful parts of yourself, you have previously hidden. You are special.

Gecko says; ” Stand up for yourself. Communicate with confidence. Don’t quit. Claim your personal power.

You matter to me





Card of the Day July 5th 2020

Card of the Day July 5th 2020, Waning Gibbous Moon in Capricorn 99.6%

This divine card comes from one of my favourite oracle decks called, “Universal Wisdom Oracle”, which can be found here.

Today’s card is vibrating with Goddess energy! Aradia was a controversial figure in 14th century Italy. She was known as “The Holy Witch, due to her love and kindness for all humanity and Nature. She lived a life of inspiration and defied those who dared to threaten her and continued to practice sacred and ancient rituals based on Love and a respect for Nature. She comes to us today to remind us to question our belief systems.

Evaluate the belief structures that you have been carrying for so long, be it earthly, spiritual or both. Examine the beliefs and that may no longer serve and may even be holding you back from living your true potential. This Full Moon brings and energy of releasing deep rooted thoughts and emotions that are no longer working for our alignment. Do not get comfortable in discomfort! What is stopping you from experiencing joy?

” It is time to let go of all that no longer serves or supports you. Let go of all beliefs that stem from fear and replace them with love – for love is an endless source of creative power…. Explore and observe and keep and open mind. Broaden your horizons. You will find that life is rich and colorful tapestry made of endless truths and viewpoints, and full of tantalizing flavours”.

<3 Samantha


Card of the Day June 16th 2020

Card of the Day 06-16-2020 ( LOVE those numbers) Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus 17.9%

Today’s divine message comes from a deck I am absolutely obsessed with and it’s author! This is “Blessed Be” by the amazing Lucy Cavendish. She is a Witch who has inspired my path of light and I can always count on anything she publishes to be full of wisdom! You can find this deck here

A Blessing on your Sleep. What a glorious message. I am often shocked at how many adults struggle with sleep.  I was putting my two little grandchildren to bed the other night and I laughed at their resistance. I said “Don’t worry when your adult you will love to go to bed, in fact you will count the hours until you can!” Ihave also convinced them I am a very magickal Witch and that all magickal people must sleep to refresh their powers, that helps too lol!

Sleep and Dreaming is a very important part of personal and spiritual development. Every aspect of Nature has a rest element to it. Sleep is incredibly healing for our physical selves as well as our emotional selves. Make a good sleep a priority in your life. Have a proper ritual before bed, preferably one that does not involve your phone, set up your bedroom to be a sacred space, use oils or herbs that encourage restful sleeps. I find one of the greatest techniques for a great nights sleep is guided meditations. You can sleep and dream with intention and a guided meditation is an excellent way to lull you into a great sleep where you stay asleep! And Dreaming is a whole other post on it’s own.

<3 Sleep Well


Card of the Day June 13th 2020

Card of the Day June 13th 2020, Waning Crescent Moon in Aries 43.9%

Today’s card comes from an incredible deck called “Circle of Life Tarot” and can be found here. This deck features circular cards to signify the infinite connection we all share. This card is the SUN card. And comes at a perfect time just a week before the Summer Solstice! The Sun is an incredibly powerful energy, that nourishes our physical, spiritual and emotional selves. Just the thought of the Sun brings us warm feelings and happy memories.

There is an intense power in the Sun that we can harness for our own magick. The dancer in this card holds two Wands and is doing just that – Harnessing the energy! She collects the heat and the creature at her feet appears to do the same. All in an perfect circle, just like the Sun.

Use the Sun’s energy to stay warm and optimistic. You utilize this powerful light energy to keep you happy and high vibing! This card helps to remind us to be joyful, follow our dreams and do what we love. The Light of the Sun is within us always, use it to light the world!

<3 Sun Salutations


Card of the Day June 11th 2020

Card of the Day June 11th 2020 Waning Moon in Pisces 63.4%

Today’s card comes from one of my newest obsessions – “Queen of the Moon Oracle”, can find it here.

TRUST, I love that word. It is so powerful and foundational to every relationship in our life, especially the one with ourselves. The Egg Moon was a time for joy and celebration for our ancestors come Spring. It was the reminder that the coldest part of the year ended and the light and warmth were coming to fertilize the earth. It was part of the beautiful relationship of trusting Mother Earth to complete her cycles, this energy brings us the encouragement to trust ourselves. Trust in your power and your talents.  Trust is the most crucial component when working our psychic muscles and fostering our intuition. We must trust ourselves to make magick happen! Self trust is the basis for ALL other trust. As with any loving trait, we must apply to ourselves first before truly giving the same gift to others.

“Self trust is surety that we can rely upon ourselves… That we ourselves matter. That knowing ourselves leads to better, more informed decisions about all aspects of our life… Self trust is FULL ACCEPTANCE of self… This give us great momentum to anything we chose to do.”

Trust Yourself because you are all knowing and all seeing, if you believe you are.


<3 Trust Me


Card of the Day Returns! June 6 2020

June 6th 2020, Waning Moon in Capricorn – 98.6% – Full Moon Energy is still here!

Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience while I took a short hiatus! Life got very busy for a while upon my return from the mountains and I had some major life events, including my daughters 18th birthday! It was a very busy time this past week and I am grateful it is over and I can resume my work again!

Today’s card comes from an incredible deck “Earth Warriors” by Alana Fairchild, can be found here https://witchhealer.com/oracle-cards/ This deck is full of Earth Magick and Divine Energy.

“Q’Ente” The Sky Jewel of the Andes”, brings us the Hummingbird who bears the soul medicine of spiritual grace, the evolution to conquer any obstacle and the extraordinary power of the heart. ..We often don’t realize just how much we have been conditioned to subconsciously demand that progress in our lives be difficult… The Divine wants us to engage and participate in the fulfillment of our destiny, if we do not surrender spiritually, we will never fulfill our potential”.

The time for healing across the world is NOW. That requires us to work with the Divine to bring about the change we want in the world. There is so much unrest and unknown, the energy of the planet is ripe to shift. Help the world shift into the Light, into a mindful way of life by finding your own path of healing and magick. The world needs Lightworkers more than ever, surrender to the Divine and create a life of Love. Be an example of how to lead from the Heart always- this is how you create the World you want to live in.

“Let the faith of the heart overcome doubt. All your mind to be filled with wonder at the unlimited power of the Divine and you shall bear witness to sacred manifestation”.


One with All

<3 Samantha