Tag: inspiration

Falling into Fall and barely hanging on!

Friday, September 11th 2020


Hello all! Thank you so much for hanging in with me. I have had a crazy busy last two months and unfortunately my website was left to suffer.  I wanted to update you all on what is happening in my life and business.

The most exciting news is our new furbaby! We brought him home on Aug 1st, he is an absolute sweetheart but still a puppy and all the challenges that come with that. Indiana Bones (Indy for short) is the first puppy I have ever had before. I did tons of research into breed, and decided that a Goldendoodle was the best match for us due to my allergy situation. His breeder was sending us pictures from day one and each time a picture came through, I would spend a few mins each day sending little Indy, love and safety (energetically). It worked! When we picked up him, he snuggled into my arms, gave me a few kisses and knew  he was home. He was 9lbs when we brought him home- 5 weeks later he is 25 pounds of pure love and joy <3

Meet Indy!

Aside from our new fur bundle of joy, our businesses have been thriving. With our stores busier than ever, I am blessed to have the freedom to take some time of work to help adjust our new puppy to his home. I have been conducting readings throughout the last two months but on a slightly reduced basis.

I have discovered that the direction of WitchHealer is taking a new turn! II will always provide healing, readings and Intuitive Guidance but I will also be working on creating events designed to connect people.

One of my most fundamental beliefs has always been – “Heal the Woman, Heal the World’ and that is exactly  what my next announcement is about!

My soul sister Anne Marie Evans of https://linktr.ee/Vibehighwithame, a renowned medium and psychic, has created the Kula Sisterhood, I sit as her Vice President and together we have a  vision of creating a worldwide tribe of Sisters, who empower, inspire and support each other. Our first few events have been incredible and in just 1 WEEK we will have our 1st Annual Fall Gathering! This is a dream of both of ours and we could not be more excited about it! If you would like to learn more please click this link https://www.thekulasisterhood.com/

We have also been navigating the rivers of family life during a pandemic with teenage daughters, one starting high school, the other University.

I am also studying and working on my education, and currently 80% of the way through a Advanced Tarot Diploma! I will sharing some videos soon of weekly reads for you!

No rest for the wicked 😉

Oh yeah and ALSO

I am planning a WEDDING! This Sat Oct 31st, ( Halloween, Samhain, Witches New Year, ) is not only on a Saturday but also a Full Moon and fallback. What could be better for a Witch’s Wedding?

So things have been pretty crazy and chaotic, as our life always seems to be, but I wanted to reach out and let you all know that I am still here for you!  I am still operation and have open slots for readings, so do not hesitate to reach out!

Blessed Be <3


Card of the Day July 14th 2020

Card of the Day July 14th 2020, Waning Crescent Moon in Taurus 31.6%

This gorgeous card comes from one of my favourite decks for art work – “The Tarot Illuminati”.

Today’s card is the 8 of cups, and we see a figure who is seemingly on a journey. Though the card shows a difficult landscape to navigate, the seeker has the light of the Moon to guide them. The seeker is on a spiritual journey, finding their way through a series of hills and valleys in light and shadows.

It is important to remember that no matter how difficult the journey to enlightenment may be, it is a necessary one. When we seek for further truths and question the beliefs we have acquired over time, we progress in the journey of life. We must let go of the past and move towards our quest for inner truth and acceptance. If you feel you are being called into a spiritual path, follow the call, it is meant for you.

“Do you hear it? It is the call to walk the unknowns, tread the roads that only open before you when you step into the other world, to walk the Gateway of the Moon. I am on a love walk, a spirit walk, a walk to self.”


Walk with me

<3 Samantha

Card of the Day July 9th 2020

Card of the Day July 9th 2020, Waning Gibbous Moon in Pisces.

Today’s card comes from the deck “Animal Tarot” by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

The Seven of Spring brings us not only an adorable gecko, a spirit animal that represents incredible healing and regeneration, but a message to stand our ground and claim our place! Trust that your inner guidance is true, what an incredible and important reminder. Do not hide your talents and gifts from the world. You matter. What you create, think and feel matter- that’s what this sweet Gecko wants you to know!

Every human on this planet is part of a very important puzzle and like a puzzle pieces, each of us has very unique contributions to offer the world. I have to say this again,


You are a divine being sent here from the Spirit world to leave your mark on this planet. Let the intuition you were given to help you navigate the complicated human experience, be your guide in the world. Everything you need is already in your subconscious or conscious. Unlock and let free the beautiful parts of yourself, you have previously hidden. You are special.

Gecko says; ” Stand up for yourself. Communicate with confidence. Don’t quit. Claim your personal power.

You matter to me

