Card of the Day May 11th 2020 Waning Moon in Capricorn 73%
This divine Goddess comes from one of my most loves and most used decks- Divine Feminine Oracle. Which you can now buy directly from me on this site! Just head over to my store, link found here
Akhililanda -The Goddess of Never Not Broken. Akhililanda is a mysterious Goddess from the Hindu mythology. Her name is a direct translation from Sanskrit meaning “Never Not Broken”. Her incredible power comes from her ability to transform pain into light. There is not much written about her because she is meant to be experienced when we are in moments of darkness or grief. She can show us where our energy is blocked and allow us to liberate ourselves through self expression, truth and strength.
“Many of us exert tremendous energy to not break or fall apart We resist grief. Our heartbreak. Or we deny the need to change until the choice is no longer ours. Sometimes life side swipes in our ordinary life and shatters who we think we are and how we identify ourselves. Here’s what Akhililanda reminds us- if we are always broken we can never break. Vulnerability is our greatest strength”.
What a powerful message. We often spend so much time and energy avoiding what troubles us. Redirect your energy to experience the darkness and pain for what it is, then remind yourself you are a powerful and Divine Goddess and what hasn’t killed you – has made you stronger and release the darkness. Return to the light.
“Everything happens for my liberation. I chose to become only more Love.”
<3 Slowly liberating myself