Card of the Day May 12th Waning Moon in Aquarius 64.6 %
The magick of this card is strong! Wow! Temple of Lapis Lazuli, Goddess of the Ancient Skies comes from the ISIS Oracle by Alana Fairchild, buy your own copy of this incredible deck here ,
“Ancient Souls with experience of consciousness and community from more spiritually advanced civilizations are here on this plant to be themselves to the fullest extent possible in order to help support each other and heal human culture so that the planet may thrive”.
The Goddess Isis calls on you to use your inner wisdom and claim your power. You may find it challenging to navigate the human experience but as a spiritually advanced being you are needed to help heal the world. You may be different or not feel quite comfortable but you are not meant too, and who wants to be normal anyway. Own your truth and in turn your power, act from a heart centered place and feel the flow of love and abundance in your life.
Living in fear, anxiety, stress, tension, lowers our vibrational frequencies. This can result in a departure from a divinely aligned place, but you can always return there. Everyday is a new chance to evolve. The Goddess ISIS has called you to her Temple of the Lapis Lazuli to, ” Remember who you are within, do not try to fit with external models of how to be in this world, for you are here to help birth a new way that is more aligned with spiritual truth.”
<3 Come to the Light