Card of the Day April 21st 2020 Moon in Aries – 1.5% Woo feel that New Moon Energy! Check back here tomorrow for a video post of my New Moon Ritual!
Witches Wisdom Oracle deck is an magickal deck that speaks right to the soul! Every card I have pulled from this deck feels like an Ancient Witch Ancestor whispering in my ear.
The Yule- REBIRTH card is no different! While the image is of a Yule scene featuring a snowy landscape the card is about Rebirth and the energy of that. Spring has taken some time to arrive here in Edmonton, Canada and with the emergence of the sun and warm weather, Rebirth is in the air. Yule is the Sabbat that celebrates the ending of a season and the return of the Sun. That is exactly the energy I am feeling.
The Sun has returned and all though we are relegated to our homes right now, it is time to go into the light! Rebirth can come in many forms from news job, to new self awareness and everything in between. Spirit brings this card to the collective today to say – Make Your Ascent!
“Your past is truly behind you. The difficulties you’ve endured have made you stronger and wiser. A new way of life beckons. Shine your light brightly. Your wishes and dreams are coming true”.
After more than a week of pulling daily cards- the theme of every card has been consistent with the energy I am feeling- We are going through a trial. All our past (present ) suffering has brought about resilience and strength. It is time to evolve. The process of Rebirth is a not easy or pain free but is anything that is worth it? Rebirth is about finding your true self, your alignment with your highest self. Take advantage of this trial period to really dig deep into – Who you are ? What do you want? How do you get it? Why do you need it? Now is the time to claim it!
I will be posting a video later tonight on my New Moon Ritual and how you can utilize the energy of the New Moon to manifest what you desire in life.
Take this cycle of the New Moon and utilize it to manifest your own Rebirth.
Stay Strong <3
True Acceptance of what is, great power of change is realized.