Card of the Day April 16th 2020 Waning Moon in Aquarius, 31.5% – 6 days until New Moon!

Today’s card is from the “Dolphins and Mermaids” Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue. I love the playful, happy energy that this deck has! Every image is a colorful view of a mystical and magickal scene!

“The Dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation.”

The Play Time card comes on a perfect day! Finally the Sunshine of Spring has come and the air is warming up! The snow is gone from the yard and it seems as if Mother Earth is finally awakening! I am counting the minutes until I can get into my garden!

I am sure you all have been feeling, just as I have, drained! Lost a bit of focus or a lot and looking to find our stride again? Does that sound familiar? Well then it is definitely time to have some fun! With the beautiful weather we are enjoying, get outside (in your yard) and Play! Play time is a great way to lift your spirits and enjoy time with your family or pets!

“Playing is a magickal form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap into Divine Wisdom”

As adults, we can lose that connection to our inner child and forgot how fun it is to just be silly and playful. The careful joy of rolling down a hill or jumping in a pile of leaves or snow, is a feeling I remember well. I may not remember what day or occassion or year it was but the feeling I never have forgotten. Play time as an adult is a lot more broad of a topic but try to remember what brought you joy as a child! One aspect of my childhood I have carried into my adult life is crafting! I love a good DIY/Craft and I find it very meditative, it is also some of the best time I enjoy with my daughters.

Try using Pinterest of Youtube for great craft ideas. Life should be fun, find what makes you happy and joyful and embrace it! Do not let find the confines of Adulthood stop you from playing!

Laugh Often

Love Hard
